Ride Results

WRERA Easter Ride (29-03-2024)
Ride distance: 20.0 km

Outcomes - WRERA Easter Ride (29-03-2024)
Division No. of Entries Retired / DNE Completed Withdrawn Ineligible V/O Percentage Completed
TR 4 - 3 - 1 - 75.00%
Totals 4 - 3 - 1 - 75.00%
Results - WRERA Easter Ride (29-03-2024)
No. Rider Horse Place Time H/R bpm
13 Davy Tallon The Rivers Pearl Completed 2:02:00 41, 45 (Avg:45)
52 Bron Moon Ramigil Merlin Completed 2:52:00 39, 38 (Avg:38)
59 Tanya Youman Stormy Completed 2:02:00 36, 47 (Avg:47)
63 Karlee Hoswell Jarrah Not Started 0:00:00 39