AERA Horse History for Samir (108669)

Horse Details
Sex DoB Age Colour Height Breed Breed Reg No
Gelding 10-07-2002 22.02 Grey 15.0 Arabian -
Microchip(s): 985170002952903
Name Breed Breed reg no.
Airex - -
Name Breed Breed reg no.
Yamegi Elahi - -
Endurance Rides
Div. Km Rides
Totals - -
Other Rides
Type Km Rides
Intermediate 243 6
Introductory 27 2
Totals 270 8
State Ride Date Affiliated
Div. Rider Place Distance Time Km. Points
WAERA Jarrahdale 20-10-2018 TR Geoff Philippe - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:56:00 40.0 -
WAERA Collie 23-09-2018 TR Geoff Philippe - 40.0km Intermediate Ride - - -
WAERA Intro to Endurance 29-10-2016 TR Geoff Philippe - 17.0km Introductory Ride 2:24:00 17.0 -
WAERA Capel 02-07-2016 TR Geoff Philippe - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:04:00 40.0 -
WAERA Jenny McCamish Memorial Ride 18-06-2016 TR Geoff Philippe - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 3:58:00 40.0 -
WAERA WAERA Easter Marathon 27-03-2016 TR Geoff Philippe - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:56:00 40.0 -
WAERA Introduction To Endurance Clinic 27-02-2016 TR Geoff Philippe - 10.0km Introductory Ride 2:10:00 10.0 -
WAERA Cuballing Ride 21-06-2014 TR Anita Lunt - 43.0km Intermediate Ride 4:20:00 43.0 -
WAERA Collie Volunteers 03-05-2014 TR Anita Lunt - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 3:42:00 40.0 -
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