AERA Horse History for Lofty (25937)

Horse Details
Sex DoB Age Colour Height Breed Breed Reg No
Gelding 01-08-2001 23.06 Chestnut 15.0 Quarter Horse cross -
Microchip(s): 943094320016883
Name Breed Breed reg no.
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Name Breed Breed reg no.
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Endurance Rides
Div. Km Rides
LW 480 6
MW 840 9
Totals 1320 15
Other Rides
Type Km Rides
Intermediate 320 8
Introductory 88 6
Totals 408 14
State Ride Date Affiliated
Div. Rider Place Distance Time Km. Points
NSWERA Wingello Forest Ride 22-05-2016 TR Catherine West - 60.0km Elevator Intermediate Ride 4:09:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Wingello Forest Ride 21-05-2016 TR Lucas Fitzgerald - 10.0km Introductory Ride 2:29:00 10.0 -
NSWERA National Capital Brookvale 27-09-2015 TR Lucas Fitzgerald - 13.0km Introductory Ride 2:17:00 13.0 -
NSWERA Wingello Forest 24-05-2015 TR Catherine West - 60.0km Elevator Intermediate Ride 4:36:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Wingello Forest 23-05-2015 TR Lucas Fitzgerald - 5.0km Introductory Ride - - -
NSWERA Bumbaldry 22-03-2015 TR Ashley Ireland - 20.0km Introductory Ride 2:47:00 20.0 -
NSWERA Bumbaldry 21-03-2015 TR Lucas Fitzgerald - 5.0km Introductory Ride 1:13:00 5.0 -
NSWERA Snowy Zone Training Weekend 21-02-2015 TR Ashley Ireland - 20.0km Introductory Ride 3:30:00 20.0 -
NSWERA Scenic City 1&2 Trainer/Social Rides 23-11-2014 TR Catherine West - 20.0km Introductory Ride 3:08:00 20.0 -
NSWERA Snowy Mountains Zone Championships 13-09-2014 TR Catherine West - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 3:49:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Wingello Forest Ride 24-05-2014 TR Catherine West - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:23:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Neville Endurance Ride 06-04-2014 TR Catherine West - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:18:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Wingello Forest Ride 26-05-2013 MW Catherine West 28 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:26:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA National Capital 28-10-2012 MW Catherine West Heart Rate L1 80.0km Endurance Ride - - -
NSWERA Woodstock 2 16-09-2012 MW Catherine West Lame L2 80.0km Endurance Ride - - -
NSWERA Freemantle 05-08-2012 MW Catherine West 8 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:36:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Ride Around The Rock 13-05-2012 MW Catherine West Lame L1 80.0km Endurance Ride - - -
NSWERA NSW State Championships Wingello 28-04-2012 MW Catherine West 12 160.0km Endurance Ride 16:12:20 160.0 9.50
NSWERA Wandandian 25-03-2012 MW Catherine West 16 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:47:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Snowy Zone Championship 06-11-2011 MW Catherine West 7 120.0km Endurance Ride 10:55:00 120.0 5.00
NSWERA Woodstock 16-10-2011 MW Catherine West 18 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:26:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Coolamon Endurance Ride 24-07-2011 MW Catherine West 26 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:51:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Harden Light Horse 27-06-2011 MW Catherine West 23 80.0km Endurance Ride 6:57:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Wingello Forest Ride 29-05-2011 MW Catherine West Retired/DNE L2 100.0km Elevator Endurance Ride 9:12:00 80.0 -
NSWERA Bush Capital Trainer 27-02-2011 TR Catherine West - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:08:00 40.0 -
NSWERA NSW State Championships 03-10-2010 LW Catherine West 3 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:30:00 80.0 4.50
NSWERA National Capital 2010 19-09-2010 LW Catherine West 7 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:06:03 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Freemantle 08-08-2010 LW Catherine West 7 80.0km Endurance Ride 9:27:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Coolamon 25-07-2010 LW Catherine West 12 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:55:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA The Rock 09-05-2010 LW Catherine West 11 80.0km Endurance Ride 6:49:00 80.0 1.00
NSWERA Norm Bradley Memorial 04-04-2010 TR Catherine West - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 4:03:00 40.0 -
NSWERA Harden Light Horse 04-10-2009 LW Catherine West 6 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:36:00 80.0 2.00
NSWERA Wingello Forest Ride 31-05-2009 TR Catherine West - 40.0km Intermediate Ride 3:02:01 40.0 -
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