AERA Horse History for Ralvon Mettle (4765)

Horse Details
Sex DoB Age Colour Height Breed Breed Reg No
Stallion 11-10-1977 47.03 Chestnut 0.0 Arabian AS519
Microchip(s): -
Name Breed Breed reg no.
The Puritan Arabian S1100
Name Breed Breed reg no.
Ralvon Shafranna Arabian AF78
Endurance Rides
Div. Km Rides
OP 1298 9
Totals 1298 9
Other Rides
Type Km Rides
Totals - -
State Ride Date Affiliated
Div. Rider Place Distance Time Km. Points
QERA Stockmans Hall of Fame 01-07-1985 OP RM Williams 12 250.0km Endurance Ride 18:00:13 250.0 -
QERA Murrumba 01-05-1985 OP Bill Sowerby 5 80.0km Endurance Ride 6:00:00 80.0 -
QERA Cheribah 01-04-1985 OP Bill Sowerby 1 80.0km Endurance Ride 4:42:00 80.0 6.50
QERA Hall Of Fame 01-07-1984 OP Bill Sowerby 6 222.0km Endurance Ride 16:00:26 222.0 -
QERA Cumburrie 01-04-1984 OP Bill Bowerby 7 88.0km Endurance Ride 5:29:00 88.0 -
QERA Stockmans Hall of Fame 01-07-1983 OP Bill Sowerby 6 250.0km Endurance Ride 18:00:16 250.0 -
QERA Cumburrie 01-05-1983 OP Bill Sowerby 9 88.0km Endurance Ride 5:14:00 88.0 -
QERA Cherribah 01-04-1983 OP Bill Sowerby 6 160.0km Endurance Ride 13:00:32 160.0 -
QERA Warwick Trail & EHRC 01-03-1983 OP Bill Sowerby Heart Rate P/R 85.0km Endurance Ride - - -
QERA Samford 01-05-1982 OP Bill Sowerby 13 80.0km Endurance Ride 7:47:00 80.0 1.00
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